About this talk
Cha-Time with SEACHA#32 will be on Saturday, 10 August at 2:00 PM Bangkok time! It will address the topic, “Funding and Incentives for Heritage.”
Speaker & Roundtable:
Speaker: Dr. Ivan Henares
Ivan Anthony Henares, PhD is Secretary General of the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines, Commissioner of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, and Assistant Professor at the Asian Institute of Tourism of the University of the Philippines, Diliman. At present, he is also Secretary General of the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC), Head of the Subcommission on Cultural Heritage and National Committee on Monuments and Sites of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Chairperson of the Heritage Conservation Society (HCS), Philippine Committee President of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH Philippines), and Chairperson of the Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage Alliance (SEACHA). He was named one of The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) in the field of Heritage Conservation in 2012.
Speaker: Mr. Fauzy Ismail
Fauzy Ismail is the Singapore-based Director of Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage Alliance (SEACHA) and the President of the Singapore Heritage Society. He is an architect with specialization in art and architecture history and cultural heritage, and has a
Roundtable Member: Ms. Moe Moe Lwin
Moe Moe Lwin, Director, Myanmar, of Southeast Asian Cultural Heritage Alliance (SEACHA), architect and heritage preservation expert. In 2012 she joined Yangon Heritage Trust (YHT) as a founding Board of Directors and soon took a position as the Director. YHT is a non-profit organization working to protect and promote Yangon’s urban built- heritage. She is co-chair of the Working Committee on Culture@COP28.
Roundtable Member: Dr. Yongtanit Pimonsathean
Dr. Yongtanit Pimonsathean is a visiting associate professor in urban planning at Thammasat University and an Honorary Advisor to the Council of The Siam Society. He was the first president of ICOMOS Thailand after becoming an independent NGO.
Moderator: Arch. Gio Abcede
Gio is an Architect working in construction project management at D.A. Abcede & Associates. He is a graduate of BS Architecture from De La Salle – College of St. Benilde. Gio is the current President of the Heritage Conservation Society (HCS) in the Philippines, and sits as the organization’s representative as an officer at Philippine Green Building Initiative (PGBI). Gio was a former intern, now an Associate Member International Council on Monuments & Sites (ICOMOS) Philippines. He is also a member of ICOMOS Philippines’ Sustainable Development Goals Working Group. Gio’s previous experience ranges from work as an architectural designer with One/Zero Design Co., and as a Research & Development Officer at Digiscript Philippines Inc., designing virtual tours for various cultural heritage sites. He was also a partner designer for fundraising initiatives with the San Sebastian Basilica Conservation & Development Foundation, Inc.